Caerhays Castle & Gardens

Contact The Estate Office
Enquiries 01872 501310 / 501144
Fax 01872 501870
Informal woodland garden created by J C Williams who sponsored plant-hunting expeditions to China at the turn of the 20th Century. Noted especially for the camellias, magnolias, rhododendrons and oaks.
Open Gardens: 15th February - 31st May, daily 10.00 -17.00 House : 15th March - 31st May, Mon - Fri, including bank holidays. Tours 12.00 13:30, 15:00.
Admission Gardens £5.50, Children under 16 £2.50, Under 5's free House £5.50, Children under 16 £2.50, Under 5's free Combined £9.50, Children under 16 £3.50, Under 5's free Guided Tours for groups 15+: £6.50 per person

The House was deigned by John Nash in 1805 for John Bettesworth Trevanion. Who lived on the estate until 1840. The house was in a state of some disrepair when it was purchased by the current owners the Williams Family in 1853. But it wasn't until  J C Williams took over the estate in the 1890s that they began to develop the gardens. J C Williams was a keen hybridiser of rhododendrons and camellias and In 1903 he sponsored E H Wilson's plant collecting expeditions to China. The current owners have maintained and enhanced the 100 hundred acres of woodland garden with species from New Zealand, Australia and the USA.

Caerhays is home to the National Plant Collections of Magnolia.

Caerhays Castle & Gardens
Estate Office
St Austell
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